Post Penguin SEO – The New Rules of the Game

First it was Panda and then Penguin… Google, of late, has been giving sleepless nights to the webmasters. The rules of the game have changed and you need to finetune your strategy to retain or get back your position. So, what all can you continue and what all should you distance yourself from?

Of course, we hope you have let go of the old fashioned link building campaigns long back. But there are few other things too to take care of. If you are still stuck with the old SEO, it’s high time you rethink your strategy and connect with an organic SEO provider, one that uses techniques that are sure to stand the test of time.

Here are a few things that should work better for you in the post Penguin scenario.


Quality does matter

Quality has always been the king but now it has come to gain more prominence than ever before. Ask yourself why somebody should come seeking for your content, and you’ll get the answer. Solid original content that adds value to the web is one major factor that can stand you in good stead with your readers and search engines alike.

Forget about keyword stuffing

Keyword density has been consistently coming down. And now it’s almost out. With the indexing getting smarter, scope for manipulation is left to bare minimum; expect it to reduce to zero in the coming days.

Sidebars are sheer waste of time (and money)

There’s no point in investing in the sidebars or blogrolls anymore. Single link from the homepage works better now. And the in-content links continue to work well as before.

Low quality links will bring you down

Linking to low quality sites has never been good for you. But now, even the low quality backlinks will harm you. So, the removal of irrelevant, spammy backlinks gets as important as building relevant, high quality links.

Beware of the malware

As protecting users from harmful websites is taking the front seat in the search algorithm, sites containing malware are being dealt with more stringently. As a natural consequence of this, connection with malware in any manner whatsoever (either directly on your site or linking to/from other sites) is sure to harm you.

Guest posting can work wonders

SEO industry never ran this crazy after guest posting. It’s said to do wonders to your SERP. Go for high authority sites in your niche and watch how it turns the table to your side.

Diversify your anchor

Getting all your backlinks from the same anchor text is a sure shot way to make the search engines doubt your integrity. So, going for multiple keywords and even some non-keyword anchors is a must; keep this in mind while running your guest posting campaigns.

  1. August 21, 2012
  2. August 22, 2012
  3. August 23, 2012
  4. September 1, 2012
  5. September 4, 2012
  6. September 5, 2012
  7. September 6, 2012
  8. September 6, 2012
  9. September 14, 2012
  10. September 19, 2012