How to Advertise Your Website or Blog Online for Free

The truth is that you can actually make quite a bit of money from a website or blog these days. The difficulty is that it’s tough to make enough money to pay the bills unless you really try hard and you know what you’re doing. If you want to earn enough money, you’ll need to know all the tricks of the trade to get you earning plenty of cash every day from your website or blog.

If you already have one up and running, it’s already established and so it’s easier to start making money from it, providing you haven’t made too many bad SEO mistakes at the beginning. Since getting traffic to your website is the key if you want to make plenty of money from it, you need to start getting in out there and making your website known. Here are some of the best ways to advertise your website or blog.


1. Use Facebook and Twitter

If you have personal accounts on Facebook and Twitter, use them to your advantages and get all your friends and followers to read what you’ve been blogging about lately or what your latest review has been. They’ll be very interested to hear what you’ve been creating if they know you personally, since people like to know what their friends and acquaintances have been up to. Even though they are your friends, they’re still bringing more traffic to your website, and it could give it a great kick start. Ask your friends to share your page too, since their friends will hopefully share it and your website will spread around like wildfire until you’re getting thousands of view on what you’ve been writing about.

2. Be interesting

Nobody wants to read content which is just a boring chunk of text; so make sure whatever you write is interesting. Write things which relate to the general public, since people will read it with interest and know what you’re talking about. If your website is based on animals and animal rights, make interesting arguments and show both sides of the story so that everybody can relate to something that you’ve said. If your website or blog is about your daily life, make it interesting enough for people to want to read. Bring a sense of humor to it and make it entertaining for people. Nobody wants to read about what you’ve been eating unless you make it very interesting, informative or educational for your readers.

3. Be careful with the design

If you’re designing the website yourself, make sure that you know what you’re doing. Just because you have loads of different colors on each page doesn’t mean that people are going to be very attracted to it. The best idea is to pick a color scheme and work with that. The same applies for text size and fonts – don’t use several different ones all over the place since people won’t know where to look. Unless you’re writing a funny and silly blog, be careful throwing around pictures of cats with captions such as “here’s a random picture of a cat”, since most people won’t know the purpose of that and others won’t find it funny unless they share your sense of humor.

4. Find other websites to promote your own website

Websites such as Tumblr, Reddit and Pinterest or all social bookmarking websites allow you to leave your links and contribute by promoting your own website. However, be careful not to appear as though you are desperate for traffic to your website, since people won’t click on your links and may even think that it’s a scam or virus which will be downloaded onto their computer. The best thing to do is to spend a lot of time on forums and websites which relate to the topic which your own website is about. By doing this, you’ll find people who are interested in that topic, but if you leave messages which are interesting and helpful to other people, they’ll genuinely want to find out more about you and your website by clicking on your links.

5. Update, update, update!

It’s really important that you update your website on a regular basis if you want people to keep reading and viewing what you’ve added. This is particularly important if you have a blog, since if there are no new updates and entries, people will think that you are inactive and even new readers won’t bother to read the old blog entries. It takes years before a website or blog can make a full-time income for the owner, and that’s through hard work and lots of effort, so make sure you constantly update whatever it is you’re doing.

  1. November 4, 2014
  2. November 24, 2014
  3. December 13, 2014
    • May 28, 2015
  4. January 6, 2015
  5. February 3, 2017