How to Have a Simple Yet Attractive Design for Your Blog

When you are about to launch your first website, the design will probably be disastrous. Most newbies aim to add as many random and irrelevant pictures as possible. They add useless plugins and widgets, a series of GIF images and animations, not to mention about their hobbies. It doesn’t matter how professional they hope to be. In the end, it is almost impossible to come up with a good idea from the beginning.

Other than that, too many such elements can be very harmful in the loading time. Therefore, as you gain experience, you realize that you don’t need a lot of animations and colors to come up with a good looking design. In fact, the simplicity is one of the latest trends in design, whether you think about web design, architecture or automotive tuning. All in all, a simple design can be very appealing if set up accordingly. The general idea is simple – the blog must be rich, but not in pictures and graphics.

Simple Theme


Begin by browsing around the free themes online. There are plenty of them out there. The simple themes are easy to check out, while your visitors will love the idea to find the information they need pretty fast. They are also safer, compared to all the useless elements. All in all, aim for elegance.


In order to fill up the simple theme and add some text, concentrate on the categories. The categories are very important, so try to cover everything. Create each of them individually, according to the niche you plan to attack. They are usually displayed in one of the sidebars too.



If you have a lot of friends over the Internet and you plan to display their links as well, add a blogroll. Besides, the same blogroll may also be used when you plan to promote your website through link exchange. You need a place to display your partners and this blogroll is the perfect location.

Recent Comments

If your blog still seems pretty simple, add more stuff. How about the recent comments? People will inevitably begin commenting, especially if you promote it accordingly. When you come up with more sophisticated discussions in your comments area, the recent discussions are great for those who want to see the latest ideas.

Search Box


Most blogs already have a search box, but this is not a general rule. In fact, it depends from theme to theme. If the theme you pick doesn’t have such a box, add one yourself. It is not just great to fill up the empty space, but can be very useful or effective. It is usually placed in the top part of the theme, regardless of the corner.


As a short final conclusion, such small details can definitely help you out. The simplicity is a must, both for the design and for the practicability. If you know how to fill the space accordingly, you are a winner. Your guests will always appreciate the useful links or text, rather than some random pictures that only make the website load slower.

  1. February 21, 2013
  2. February 22, 2013
  3. February 25, 2013
  4. March 1, 2013
  5. March 1, 2013
  6. March 2, 2013
  7. March 11, 2013
  8. March 15, 2013
  9. March 18, 2013
  10. March 22, 2013