Classified sites can be a great source of income if you do their marketing right. Creating a fully functional classified website from scratch requires extensive programming knowledge and a lot of time. But the good news is that you can easily set up a classified website that works just fine using WordPress. There are numerous themes and plugins available for wordpress which can turn your normal wordpress website into a fully functional classified site.
If you have a working knowledge of WordPress, you can do it all yourself. But even if you decide to outsource the task, you can get it done at quite an affordable price. In either case, it is good to have a broad overview of what it takes to set up a classified site in WordPress:
Set up WordPress
First things first; you need to download and install WordPress to begin with creating your classified site. WordPress is free and serves as the basic framework for our classifieds site. You need to have a fresh new install of WordPress completely set up in order to start.
Choose a Classified Theme
There are numerous free and paid themes available that can turn your normal wordpress site into a classified site. Most of the time, all that is required is to install the theme and fine-tune some basic configuration settings.
Usually it’s better to go with a premium theme as you get continued support for your site in case you run into problems later on. Choosing the right theme is important as you can’t easily switch between other themes once your classified site is up and running. The benefits of using themes for transforming your wordpress site into a classified site are many; the main one being flexibility and ease of set up. Anybody with basic knowledge of wordpress can install and set up a theme which makes it a functional classified site. Classipress is a great classified ads theme for WordPress which gives decent performance while being very flexible.
Classified Plugins
If you want to add a classified section into your existing website or blog, classified plugins are there for just that. It might not be a good idea to use a theme in this case and hence, a plugin that does the job without affecting your main website is the best option. WpClassified is a popular plugin that lets you add a classified section to your site and it’s highly customizable. Classified wordpress plugins do not alter the layout of your website and that would enable you to modify and update both sections of your site independently.
These classified themes and plugins also come with too many other add-ons that integrate additional functionalities into your site like member login and security modules.
Very nice share on ads. If you have a working knowledge of WordPress, you can do it all yourself. But even if you decide to outsource the task, you can get it done at quite an affordable price
I did not know about plugins. Thanks for giving me idea of classified plugins. Thanks again for this post.
Yes word press is so essential social site for getting traffic for your site. just sign up on word press and you can easily set up your site at word press.
Thanks For Sharing..
There are a number of classified themes for WordPress… and classipress is the best of the bunch IMO (based on actually buying, and testing the themes) .
I want a classified ads themes or website on wordpress please help me how i find?
Thanks for giving me idea of classified plugins. This blog very helpful for me.