3 Tips to Correctly Set up a Background Image for Your Website

Different websites use background in different manners – some keep it blank, some choose to use an image, some use a color pattern, some place a video or some even use them to place some ads. Using a website background effectively is just a matter of creativity. Yet this is one aspect that is conveniently ignored by many webmasters. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips to help you choose the image background for your website in the right manner.

Choose the right image

This is the first and very important step. Unless the image you choose is right for your website, it may do more harm than good. Selection of image depends upon the theme and niche of your website. For example, if it’s about gardening, then placing an image related to health would obviously be out of place. If you are selling something, then you may also want to depict your brands/products in the background image. In short, it all depends upon what your website is about and how you intend to use the space. Whatever be the purpose, always go for a crisp, high quality image. You can also go for multiple images in the form of a slideshow.


Be sure not to get entangled into copyright issues. If you are looking for free images, go for the ones that are copyright free. Or if you have some budget, there are a number of stock photography sites you can buy images from.

Decide on the image dimensions

The size and dimensions of your background image should be suitable for proper viewing on various devices. It should at least be of the size of your computer screen resolution, say 1024×768 or 1440×900 pixels; choosing a smaller image may blur it and may not retain its quality. Further, it’s better to go for a horizontally oriented image since a computer screen is designed that way, and most of the smart phones nowadays come with auto-rotate option.

Tiled or full width?

So, what placement is best suited for your website? If you’ve selected a large image, then obviously you have a full width placement in mind, which is highly recommended in most cases since it gives a distinct look to your website. But sometimes, you may want to go with tiled positioning of the image, say for instance when you want to place that Twitter or Facebook icon in repetition throughout your website background. A tiled background wears a pattern like look; so make sure you choose an image that seamlessly tiles without distracting the pattern. Needless to say, the size of the image should also be small; else the whole purpose of tiling is lost.

Just keep these tips in mind and you’ll be on your way to giving your website a great background.

One Response
  1. January 15, 2016