After product range advance of some online Magento stores, customers happen to complain about the complexity of its structure. Those people, who start business, split products into categories and sub-categories and create detailed descriptions. Then they think that the deal is done and they are wrong. However, they perceive the complexity of the sites as a necessity, which it is impossible to avoid. Others create an artificial distinction by different categories, so that each quantity of the product was not too large. However, in most cases, this performance does not only fail to solve the problem, but also makes the situation worse.
Actually, it is wrong to gear the convenience of choosing in the online store to many products and product categories. In order to return your customers comfort when visiting your site, you need to think about a completely different concept of navigation.

To make it easier for customers to navigate through the catalog of your Magento shop, you need a filtering system of the products by the given criteria. This will allow each client during choosing a product to focus on the characteristics that are important to them. Correctly placing filters on the page, you can also push the client to form their own opinion on the usefulness of certain functions and features of a product. Even if the client cannot definitively determine the choice on their own, there will be much less work for you and your employees because the client will understand clear enough what they want.
The first thing you need to do to start working on navigation is to divide all products within each category to the standard list of specifications expressed theoretically as number, a simple yes / no answer, or if neither one nor the other is not applicable, as simple, repetitive textual meaning.
This by itself make it easier for the client receiving the information on the flypage. Moreover, as you probably guessed, this will be the basis for creating of filters.
Then you will need to implement a system of filters in Magento and improve Magento navigation. Note that the number of filters should not be too large, because the patience of the customer is not infinite. One won’t stand 50 filters, choosing «yes» or «no» each time. If a product has some feature or characteristic, whose frequency of occurrence is small – it will be better to place it with others (e.g. in a separate filter category “additional functions” or “personal characteristics”).
The filters are much better placed to the left or right of the list of items.
The top and bottom filters are difficult to separate. So, the client is getting confused. Moreover, the list of filters located at the top of monitors with low resolution can close from the client the list of goods that will sharply reduce his interest to the page totally. If the list will be located at the bottom: at first, not many people will find it, and secondly, it takes away the possibility of automatic loading of goods when the customers making goods choice. In this case improving default Magento navigation can greatly simplify the life of your users.
magento is the best
good keep posting like that your blog is informative and well written.
Nice blog, Some very good knowledge about how can we improve our market.
Magneto is one of the best choice, but I prefer pentasoft
Magento is the right choice to make eCommerce web site and you can also make product listed in your web design by using magento.