Vinyl banners are a simple, highly effective and inexpensive way to let people know that you’re having a sale, about to open or have a limited time offer going on. If your vinyl banner is poorly designed, then you might as well not have a banner at all.
What’s Your Message?
The first thing you’ll want to decide on for you banner is what your message is going to be. What’s your goal for the banner? Do you want to bring people into the store, give them some information or do you just want people to know where your business is? For sales and promotions, make sure your custom banner contains a call to action and also has when the sale is over so that people can come back later if they don’t have time when they first notice the banner.
Location, Location, Location
What’s the most effective place for you to hang your sign? Where will it be easiest to reach your target audience?
If you hang it in a place where cars drive by quickly or people pass by quickly, then you’ll want to tighten up your message so that it only contains the most important information and details so that people don’t ignore it or speed by. You’ll only want to use five to eight words for busy thoroughfares. If your sign is going to be displayed at a convention or trade show, then you can include more information on your banner. Always strive to use fewer than 15 words on your banner. It’s supposed to be an advertisement, not a pamphlet.
A well-chosen color scheme will either attract the eye or repel it. You want your banner to stand out and create an indelible impression on the reader’s mind. High visibility is the most important factor when deciding on a color scheme. Some of the most noticeable color combinations are black on white, black on yellow and white on blue. It’s recommended that you use bright colors if your sign is going to be hung outside. This doesn’t mean bright neon colors, just colors that stand out from the colors around the sign and are still easy on the eyes.
Graphics and Font
The font and graphics on your banner must play off of each other and fit the overall message on the banner. Don’t be afraid to use two different fonts for different kinds of information on your banner, but try not to use more than three fonts. The same rule applies to graphics-try to keep them at a minimum. Technology has made it easier and affordable than ever to have high quality graphics, so make sure that you have them on your banner.
One of the reasons that vinyl banners are so widespread is that they are durable, can be displayed anywhere and are affordable. If your business is fairly new, then you might not know how to design an effective banner. If that’s the case, you’ll want to make sure that you do business with an experienced and professional custom sign and banner business so that they can help you out. While they might be more expensive than designing the banner on your own, it will be money well spent.